Greater Shift to Digitalization In Mental and Behavioral Health Practice

We all have experienced it. Quarantines, restrictions, lockdowns. The COVID-19 crisis has given rise to another silent epidemic harder to see, mental health. Though the COVID -19 accelerated the need for behavioral health support, the digital health system is struggling to adapt to the changes. Unfortunately, for small to medium-sized behavioral health practices, it is a struggle compared to larger and more established businesses able to be more resilient despite economic losses.

Greater Shift to Digitalization

For small and medium behavioral health business practices, it is clear that digitalization is no longer optional. While many opted for using a band-aid solution in Telehealth ( a standalone video or communication software ), it created a disconnected experience for management staff.

Slowly now, the priority is shifting for this business to look for a much-consolidated solution that provides a combination of Telehealth + Electronic Medical Record – EMR. It will help behavioral health businesses practice to transform how behavioral health care is delivered truly.

Early Engagement of Ellora Systems Helps Aviva Mental Health Services.

Aviva Mental Health Services is one such business that shifted its operations online to ensure continuity of its business. Avia partnered with Ellora Systems. It was one of the most critical technological moves for Aviva’s organization. Through the Ellora Systems platform, Avia significantly enhanced its care for its clients. Ellora’s simple and easy roll-out had Avia members access to Mental healthcare within 24 hours. The arrangement allowed Aviva to serve existing patients during Pandemic and cast a wider net when attracting new mental health care patients.

Ellora Systems Telehealth + EMR software as a solution limited the provider-to-patient contact for inpatient treatment. It helped them expand their outreach to communities with limited access to services.

How Ellora Systems Made a Difference

  • Collected and qualified essential requirements from Aviva
  • Helped to articulate the advantages of flexibility of the platform to tailor to Aviva’s Mental Health modality of service
  • Spread Aviva renewal costs over a timeframe, enabling Aviva to meet its budgets.

Ellora Systems got involved in Avia digital transformation project from day one. With early engagement, Ellora Systems was able to help frame the platform and smooth out any customization issues that may have stalled how Aviva executed it is job workflow in tailoring mental health services to its patients.

Value for Avia Mental Health Services :

  • 100% Digital transformation of Aviva services to a paperless office
  • Avoided big hit to capital expenditure on critical IT investment
  • Predictable operational cost for the next three years
  • Maximized cash flow for the next three years

At the heart of Ellora Systems, our mission is to see how Ellora technology can help enable mental and behavioral health practices to run their business efficiently and successfully. The emotional, psychological, and social well-being these practices provide in terms of outreach to our society have far-reaching, more significant impacts.

Here at Ellora systems, we are always ready to engage and make your digital transformation story a success story.

Book a demo with us.

Author : Sanjay Joshi

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